Montgomery County, PA

Climate Change

Climate Change is widely regarded as one of the most important issues that we face today. Climate change is caused by both natural processes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG). The largest source of GHG from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation. These human activities result in carbon emissions, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2), a major contributor to climate change. Transportation is one of the biggest contributors to US carbon emissions.

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In Montgomery County, most commuters travel alone in single occupancy vehicles (SOVs) and in 2019, 78.5 percent of commuters drove to their jobs by themselves. Only 5.3 percent took public transit, and 2.2 percent walked to their jobs. In addition to contributing to traffic congestion and poor air quality, these SOV trips generate a significant amount of CO2.

Emissions Comparison of Modes of Transportation in Montgomery County

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The chart above shows that using public transit results in less CO2 per passenger mile. These transit rides, along with carpooling and shuttle buses, also help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

Bicycling and walking produce zero CO2 emissions, and there are associated health benefits from these forms of active transportation.

Forecasts indicate that impacts from climate change will occur more frequently in Montgomery County in the coming years, and they will include:

Higher average temperatures and longer, hotter heat waves

More frequent heavy rainfall events that cause flooding

Stronger storms with higher winds and flash flooding potential

These impacts present significant risks to residents, communities, businesses, agriculture, infrastructure, biodiversity and our environment.

Individuals and businesses can help combat climate change by actively seeking transportation options that reduce their carbon footprint.¹

¹ A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon emissions a person or organization is responsible for expressed in tons per year. Some additional resources for lowering your carbon footprint are:

EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator
EPA Corporate Climate Leadership GHG Reduction Programs
35 Easiest Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
LEED Building Certification 

Individual Actions

  • Using public transit, biking and walking, whenever possible.
  • Carpooling with a co-worker instead of driving alone 
  • Trip planning to combine errands, rather than running a single errand.
  • Co-ordinating trips with friends and family to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. 
  • Driving fuel efficient vehicles with high mileage per gallon (MPG) to minimize the amount of gasoline consumed.
  • Maintaining vehicles to achieve maximum fuel efficiency. Keeping tires inflated to recommended PSI.
  • Driving electric or hybrid vehicles with no/low CO2 emissions

Businesses and Employer Actions

  • Developing Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies to get employees to work sites using non-SOV modes of transportation.
  • Creating bike friendly workplaces and incentivizing active transportation.
  • Installing EV charging stations
  • Introducing and supporting shared ride programs, such as shuttle services, carpooling and vanpooling
  • Enabling work from home (telecommuting)

The Partnership TMA provides a range of programs and services that help to combat climate change:

Transportation Options

Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies for employers

Travel Training

Air Quality Tip

Approximately 20 days each year, air quality in Montco does not meet EPA health standards. Everyone can take action to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.

Maintaining your vehicle, commuting smarter, saving energy at work & home, and employers joining the Air Quality Partnership through the Partnership TMA of Montgomery County are simple steps to improve air quality.

Save Energy

Saving energy at work and at home, not only saves money, but protects the air from emissions from power plants & burning heat oil.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Get the junk out of your trunk. An extra 100 pounds reduces gas mileage by up to 2%.

Copy of Air Quality Tip SAMPLE

Mission Statement

The Partnership TMA of Montgomery County collaborates with 150+ public and private sector partners to:

Expand & Enhance transportation options

Ease traffic congestion

Educate & Engage our communities on issues of land use, the environment, and healthy lifestyles